On-Net (IntraOhio)

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OARnet’s On-Net provides connectivity, redundancy and reliability across Ohio. On-Net is an integral part of the OARnet connection, promoting collaboration and reducing connectivity (i.e. Internet) costs for all OARnet users. 

On-Net (IntraOhio) delivers a wide variety of services for those who connect to OARnet.

Client Benefits

  • Customized services across the network for multiple purposes, such as economic disaster recovery between sites on the network
  • Any-to-any point-to-point Layer2 circuits or multipoint L3VPN instances across the OARnet MPLS backbone
  • Connectivity to a choice of multiple data centers for colocation or Disaster Recovery location on the OARnet network
  • Connect several remote sites via diverse OARnet PoPs
  • Transport multiple applications and data between locations
  • Lowers the cost of collaborative work by not requiring Internet use

OARnet Provides

  • 100-gigabit network connection to services such as the Ohio Supercomputer Center and the ability to big data between sites in Ohio
  • Numerous research collaborative efforts between healthcare, private companies and research and development centers across the state connection to various national research networks and labs within Ohio
  • Access to numerous applications that make the connectivity faster, redundant and cost-effective without the use of commodity internet
For more information, please send an email to OHT-ClientSvcTeam@osu.edu or contact your client relationship representative:
Education Services P-20, Education-related Healthcare and Research
State & Local Government, Government-related Healthcare and Research