Press Releases

NAAMCE facility exterior

Enhanced connectivity at Springfield airport supports aviation technology innovation, economic development  
OARnet collaborates with state, municipal and private partners on new National Advanced Air Mobility Center of Excellence

Columbus , Ohio (Jun 20, 2024)

OARnet collaborates with state, municipal and private partners on new National Advanced Air Mobility Center of Excellence

OARnet hosts spring 2024 Member Meeting in conjunction with OHECC 

Columbus, Ohio (Jun 11, 2024)

OARnet hosted its semi-annual Member Meeting on May 22 in conjunction with the Ohio Higher Education Computing Council (OHECC) annual conference held at The University of Akron in Akron, Ohio. The meeting provided an opportunity for OARnet and its partners to share information and generate discussion on topics impacting higher education institutions.  

OARnet leadership provided updates on hardware and service upgrades for member institutions: 


OARnet, Ohio State partner on quantum network initiative to boost state cybersecurity 
With support from Ohio’s Third Frontier Research Initiative, the project aims to strengthen and secure information exchange across the state’s fiber-optic network

Columbus, Ohio (Apr 4, 2024)

OARnet will partner with The Ohio State University on a new project, funded by a $750,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE), to build long-distance quantum networks that will increase information security in the state.

The grant is part of the latest round of awards from ODHE’s Third Frontier Research Initiative, which provided a total of $3.3 million to four higher education institutions for innovative new projects in December.


OARnet helps K-12 school districts meet rising technology needs 
In partnership with the Management Council, OARnet completes major bandwidth upgrade for Information Technology Centers and large urban school districts

Columbus, Ohio (Feb 8, 2024)

Hundreds of K–12 school districts across Ohio are benefitting from a boost in bandwidth after OARnet and its partners upgraded their connectivity from 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) to 100 Gbps this year, with up to 200 Gbps capability available for future expansion.

The project, supported by a U.S. Department of Education Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund grant to the Management Council, updated the infrastructure for six large urban school districts and 17 Information Technology Centers (ITCs) that serve Ohio districts.


Higher education institutions receive major bandwidth, security upgrades through GEER funding 
Through public-private partnerships, OARnet has completed technology upgrades for colleges and universities across Ohio

Columbus, Ohio (Oct 25, 2023)

When the COVID-19 pandemic prompted a rapid move to online instruction, research and administration, OARnet realized that many colleges and universities would need technology upgrades to meet the demand. The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) awarded more than $10 million in Ohio Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funds to OARnet to increase broadband capacity to 41 institutions.

Annual report cover

OARnet 2022-23 Annual Report 
Annual report highlights GEER-funded upgrades for higher education, 100 Gbps upgrade for K-12, collaboration with CyberOhio and more.

Columbus, Ohio (Oct 4, 2023)


As we celebrate 35 years, I am pleased to share OARnet’s 2022-23 fiscal year annual report, which highlights our impact on the communities we serve as well as major initiatives underway that benefit the State of Ohio. In this year’s report you will learn more about:

Annual report cover

OARnet holds fall 2023 Member Meeting in conjunction with national meetings of The Quilt, National Science Foundation 
Thirty-fifth anniversary celebration caps biannual meeting to discuss progress of broadband, security and shared services initiatives.

Columbus, Ohio (Sep 29, 2023)

The Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet) held its fall 2023 Member Meeting in conjunction with the national meetings of The Quilt and the National Science Foundation’s Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) program, held in downtown Columbus on Sept. 26.


5G-OH and OARnet internship program invests in the future broadband workforce 
Ohio State initiative collaborates with OARnet to establish broadband internship that provides future network professionals with real-world experience today

Columbus, Ohio (Sep 26, 2023)

To support workforce development for the ever-increasing broadband and wireless technology industry, the 5G and Broadband Connectivity Center (5G-OH) at The Ohio State University has partnered with OARnet to create an internship program that provides real-world experience in broadband, networking and telecommunications technologies.

Doug Button (right) and Aaron Wise (left) standing in front of networking equipment.

High school STEM camp leads student to job with OARnet 

Columbus, Ohio (Jul 13, 2023)
Doug Button (right) gained valuable experience in his student position, where he worked with Director of Networking Aaron Wise (left).
Signage at Member Meeting

OARnet hosts spring 2023 member meeting in conjunction with OHECC 

Fairborn, Ohio (May 10, 2023)

The Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet) hosted its biannual Member Meeting on May 10 in conjunction with the Ohio Higher Education Computing Council (OHECC) annual conference held at Wright State University in Fairborn, Ohio. The meeting provided an opportunity for OARnet and its partners to share important updates on infrastructure upgrades, security services and broadband expansion efforts that impact higher education institutions, as well as to foster discussions about topical interests such as ChatGPT.
