Internet2 and Ohio Schools: Connectivity, Content and Collaboration
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 8:00 a.m. Room C114-115
OARnet's own Ann Zimmerman, Manager of Client Services, will be
presenting with Paula Nespeca Deal, Consultant for INFOhio.
How to Get Started with Videoconferencing
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 3:45 – 4:30pm Room D242
Robert Dixon, Chief Research Engineer at OARnet, will cover start up video systems, telepresence, and the benefits of using videoconferecing in the classroom.
Visit OARnet at the following locations:
- Visit the Education Technology Partners (eTech Ohio, OARnet, Ohio Learning Network, OhioLINK and the Ohio Supercomputer Center) booth #623 to meet with an OARnet client services representative.
- INFOhio booth #224 in the exhibit hall for demonstrations, usernames/passwords, additional materials and information.
- Internet2 booth in the Technology Learning Center, Exhibit Hall C.
Learn more about
- Videoconferencing in the classroom
- Internet2 service
- VMware Product Updates
Reference Web sites
- 2011 Educational Conference www.etech.ohio.gov/conference
- Background information on Internet2 and Ohio schools, from INFOhio click here
- Internet2 web site www.internet2.edu
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